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HTML2PDF is a HTML to PDF converter written in PHP.
It allows the conversion of valid HTML 4.01 in PDF format, and is distributed under OSL.
This library has been designed to handle mainly TABLE intertwined to generate invoices delivery,
and other official documents. It does not yet have all the tags.

Why donate?

  • The server that hosted the website HTML2PDF is not free,
  • And above all, by distributing this library under the LGPL license, I offer businesses a free solution that allows them to easily generate PDF documents, and save considerable cost in development ...

Why donate to HTML2PDF?

I offer to businesses a free solution to easily generate PDFs in Web applications, which saves them hundreds of dollars in development costs ...

Latest donations

  • 2023-02-23 - Flavio Hendry
  • 2023-01-21 - GT Desarrollo
  • 2022-05-25 - Marco Valencia
  • 2022-05-12 - Salvatore Ruga
  • 2021-12-25 - Cristian Kocza
  • 2021-10-17 - Andrea Corradi